
Who are you becoming?
Understand this can help you define a clear picture of a person you are aspiring to be. Whether you are aware that you are choosing or not, But still, you are becoming something.

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Let us say the goal is to be a millionaire. Do you have it written down and plan to achieve it? What are the skills you are gaining now, books you are reading and The people you surround yourself with that helps you to stay focus towards your goal?

Most of the times I have found myself saying I want to be this or I should do, that but I don’t. Why is that you may ask! It’s because I haven’t decided to write down the desired goal with a plan to take action. It just wishes.

Becoming what you desire, you have to be prepared and be willing to take action.
First, Sit down and write your desired goals.

Secondly, come up with the step by step plan with headline for your desired goal. Having clear roadmap on how you are going to accomplish your dream goal is very important.

Third, Make a decision that you will achieve your goal. Building a habit to be persistence and execute your plans to your best, Play a major role in succeeding.

Just remember whether you are deciding to be what you want or not. Still, you are becoming something. And the choices you make today are going to result in specific experiences for your future self.

Until next time, stay true to yourself XOXO.

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