Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The following words will help you improve your self – beliefs, self-confidence and self-worth. Read over and over
I accept MySelf.
I approve of MySelf.
I am Enough.
I am Unique. We all Unique.
We all have Imperfection.
I can have imperfection and still love MySelf.
There is beauty in my Imperfections.
I compare MySelf only to my high Self.
I respect MySelf and I ask others to respect Me too.
I respect my Body. I respect my Mind.
I have the courage to voice my own opinions and thoughts.
I dare to show my true Self and I am Loved.
I understand and pay attention to my own Emotions and thoughts.
I respect the difference of Opinions.
I give equal value to my own Feelings.
I cannot control others opinions and Action.
I can only control how I choose to React.
I am never Alone.
I am always Loved and supported even when it is not felt or seen. I do no harm to any living Things.
I do no harm to Myself.
I always live with compassion for all including Myself.
Read over and over until these words become your reality.
…..Subscribe for a part 2…….
Until next time, stay true to yourself XOXO.
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